Invited Speakers

Below is the list of Invited Speakers who will be presenting talks at IWCE-7.

Keynote Speaker
Henry McDonald (Head of NASA Ames Research Center)

Semiconductor Device Modelling
Meyya Meyyapann (NASA Ames Research Center)
David Frank (IBM T. J. Watson Res. Center)
Dejan Jovanovic (Motorola)
Asen Asenov (University of Glasgow)

Nanostructure Simulation
David Ferry (Arizona State University)
Takeshi Inoshita (NTT)

Particle and Fluid Simulation Methods
Nobuya Mori (Osaka University)
Kevin Brennan (Georgia Tech)

Technology and Process Simulation
Tom Linton (Intel)

Quantum Simulation Methods
Paolo Bordone (University of Modena)
Alexander Demkov (Motorola)
Masaru Tsukada (University of Tokyo)
Richard Needs (Cavendish Laboratory)
Hal Grubin (SRA)

Optoelectronic Device Simulation
Paolo Lugli (University of Rome)

Bio and Molecular Systems
Karl Hess (University of Illinois)